We help people to see the value in community and diversity.

group of interracial elderly sportsmen with sportive water bottles walking on football field

We help people to act with maturity, responsibility, independence, and compassion.

Friends Hipster Teenager Buddies Concept

We help enhance the lives and opportunities of all people especially those who struggle to fully participate in society.

homeless man asleep on bench

We help everyone to be able to fully participate in a caring and compassionate society.

Young female volunteers in mask gives an elderly man boxes with food near his house

We help individuals and groups to access opportunities for advancement, personal growth and to better their outcomes.

We help individuals and groups to access opportunities for advancement, personal growth and to better their outcomes.
We Value Community

We believe that our communities are at the heart of creating a compassionate and caring society for the benefit of all, and believe in the power of working together. 

We Value Diversity

Our home city of Leicester is incredibly culturally diverse and we are proud to call it home. We believe everyone irrespective of their difference has a place in society.

We Value Compassion

As diverse as we are, each of us is inherently the same – we all think, feel, care and love, and deserve kindness, respect and understanding.

Charities & Projects We Have Supported

We support work all over the UK and sometimes internationally – we prioritise applications from our community. 

How to Apply

We only accept applications via the website - so please visit the How to Apply page (by clicking the How to Apply button below) and answer the questions then submit your application. You will find answers to commonly asked questions on the Frequently Asked Questions page.